Tuesday, March 22, 2016

World Faire Inventions

1900 World's Faire: The Era of Inventions

          This year at the World's Faire, the world was has changed so much because of the brilliance of so many different scientists. One of the smartest people, Tesla has amazed us with his cutting-edge genius. Over the past 50 years, he has come up with such brilliant ideas as what he calls the radio, the motorcycle, and AC power transmission. What this radio does is it receives a signal through the air- which can go through everything, and be received and be translated into sounds that we can hear. This new motorcycle is a wild contraption, similar to a bicycle with an automobile's engine inside, powering the wheels for you. Lastly, his AC power transmission is a much more efficient way to transfer energy across long distances, as opposed to the DC power transmission that Edison invented.. Some other new inventors have stepped into the arena this past year as well, such as Wilhelm Konrad von Roentgen. Wilhelm's lasting achievement will be his research into the field of medical analysis, specifically what he refers to as X-rays. What these X-rays do is quite complicated, and not even fully understood by Mr. Roentgen himself. However, they can be used to take photographs of the bones inside a living creature, allowing doctors to examine a man's body without actually cutting him open. Overall, the inventions that these brilliant men have bestowed upon us will forever change the world..

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